Traditional print-based marketing simply can’t compete with digital search features available today. Large scale magazine productions can take days or weeks to deliver recently sold inventory to potential auctions. But that doesn’t mean that printing channels are not effective in reaching a select demographics of people.

Auction Streaming created the e-Magazine to combine the familiar user experience of flipping through a printed magazine with efficiency and cost effectiveness of digital distribution. These e-Magazines behave like a normal hard copy of traditional brochures just on the computer screen. With no printing, distribution or postage cost your customers can have their e-Magazine delivered right to their email, free for you and instantly for them. In addition to being less expensive than traditional print, any vehicle information, pricing, details, contact persons or phone number changes made on your website are instantly updated on the e-Magazine without having the expense of a costly reprint.

E-Magazine Advantages
- On demand printing for future sales
- Publish market reports each month
- Tremendous savings on print, distribution and postage costs
- Create custom pages for calendars and fliers
- Print it, save it, flash drive or email to increase sales
- Control the look, feel and branding of your Auction
- Realistic 3D page turning